Streptoccocus iniae Image 1
Streptoccocus iniae
Streptoccocus iniae
Kylt Streptoccocus iniae is intended for the detection of Streptoccocus iniae. Streptoccocus iniae is a highly pathogenic bacterium in aquaculture with a high lethality rate. Depending on the fish species, the symptoms vary. The kit contains all reagents and controls for the detection.
Article No.Article typeSize / ContentUnit
Article name: Kylt® Streptoccocus iniae LD 100, Kylt® Streptoccocus iniae LD 25
Name of pathogen: Streptoccocus iniae
Caused disease: Streptococcus iniae Infection
Affected organs: Intestinal system
Organism: Bacteria
Target molecule: DNA
Technology: Real-Time PCR
Detection type: Species-specific screening / detection
Host-group: Fish & Aquatic animals
Target HEX channel (550 nm): Housekeeping Gene
Target FAM channel (520 nm): Streptoccocus iniae
Kylt storage temperature: <= -18°C
Sample type:
  • water samples
  • tissues and organs (e.g. brain, typical internal lesion, skin)
  • swab samples
  • isolates derived from cultural processes
RNA/DNA Purification Purifier 96 Purifier 48 RNA/DNA Purification HTP