recHVT DIVA 2 Image 1
Recombinant HVT strain Vaxxitek® HVT + IBD
Kylt recHVT DIVA 2 is intended for the specific detection of the recombinant HVT Virus used in Vaxxitek® HVT + IBD (Boehringer Ingelheim) vaccines in samples from chicken. The kit can be used to detect the recombinant vaccine Vaxxitek® HVT + IBD (Boehringer Ingelheim) in samples previously tested positive for IBDV and/or MDV samples as well as to test unknown samples for the presence of this vaccine. The kit does not include field strain detection, neither for IBDV and PMV1 nor for HVT. The kit contains all reagents and controls for the detection.
Article No.Article typeSize / ContentUnit
Article name: Kylt® recHVT DIVA 2 LD 100, Kylt® recHVT DIVA 2 LD 25
Name of pathogen: Recombinant HVT strain Vaxxitek® HVT + IBD
Caused disease: Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), Marek Disease
Affected organs: Respiratory system, Intestinal system
Organism: Virus
Target molecule: DNA
Technology: Real-Time PCR
Detection type: Vaccine strain specific detection
Host-group: Poultry (Chicken)
Target HEX channel (550 nm): Housekeeping Gene
Target FAM channel (520 nm): HVT vaccine strain included in "Vaxxitek® HVT + IBD"
Kylt storage temperature: <= -18°C
Sample type:
  • tissues and organs (e.g. spleen, feather sheath, feather follicle, feather pulp, blood)
  • swab samples (e.g. spleen)
RNA/DNA Purification Purifier 96 Purifier 48 RNA/DNA Purification HTP