MG ts-11 DIVA Image 1
MG ts-11 DIVA
Mycoplasma gallisepticum field strain, Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine strain ts-11
Kylt MG ts-11 DIVA is intended for the detection of the vaccine strain MG ts-11 in samples that previously were tested positive for Mycoplasma gallisepticum. These products are to be used in combination with a dedicated Mycoplasma gallisepticum detection, such as Kylt MG and Kylt MGS Triplex, to complete the Differentiation between Infected and Vaccinated Animals (DIVA). The kit contains all reagents and controls for the detection.
Article No.Article typeSize / ContentUnit
Article name: Kylt® MG ts-11 DIVA LD 100, Kylt® MG ts-11 DIVA LD 25
Name of pathogen: Mycoplasma gallisepticum field strain, Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine strain ts-11
Caused disease: Mycoplasmoses
Affected organs: Respiratory system
Organism: Bacteria
Target molecule: DNA
Technology: Real-Time PCR
Detection type: Species-specific detection and DIVA
Internal Control: Internal Amplification Control (IAC; exogenous)
Host-group: Poultry (Chicken, Turkey)
Sample prerequisite: Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Target HEX channel (550 nm): Internal Amplification Control (IAC)
Target FAM channel (520 nm): MG ts-11
Target Cy5 channel (670 nm): MG ts-11
Target TXR channel (620 nm): MG ts-11
Kylt storage temperature: <= -18°C
Sample type:
  • tissues and organs (e.g. lung, trachea)
  • swab samples (e.g. nasal, cloacal, choanal, tracheal, lung, conjunctiva, air sacs)
  • isolates derived from cultural processes
RNA/DNA Purification Purifier 96 Purifier 48 RNA/DNA Purification HTP