Listeria monocytogenes FS Image 1
Listeria monocytogenes FS
Listeria monocytogenes
Kylt List mono is intended for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes.The kit contains all reagents and controls for the detection. Changed volumes of reagents and adapted PCR setup from batch 24LM:01 on, please refer to the new manual (Rev004, Feb 2024)
Article No.Article typeSize / ContentUnit
Article name: Kylt® List mono FS 100, Kylt® List mono FS 25
Name of pathogen: Listeria monocytogenes
Caused disease: Listeriosis
Organism: Bacteria
Target molecule: DNA
Technology: Real-Time PCR
Detection type: Species-specific detection
Internal Control: Internal Amplification Control (IAC; exogenous)
Host-group: Food
Target HEX channel (550 nm): Internal Amplification Control (IAC)
Target FAM channel (520 nm): Listeria monocytogenes
Kylt storage temperature: <= -18°C
DNA Extractionmix III