Kylt® Purifier
Fast & Efficient Purification Device
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Kylt® Purifier Image 2

The Kylt® Purifier is our new solution for the automated magnetic bead-based purification of RNA and/or DNA from any sample. This system features extremely fast processing with a run-time of about 30 minutes (excluding lysis) for up to 96 samples to purify DNA and RNA from diagnostic samples or to purify DNA from Salmonella pre-enrichment-samples.


The Kylt® Purifier uses a patented technology of stirring the well contents with a dedicated rotating spin tip for each well. The major advantage, besides processing speed, lies in the best in class resuspension of the magnetic beads which leads to optimal purity and yield.


Further information material is available in the download section.

درجة حرارة الغرفة (20 درجة مئوية)
رقم المقالهنوعبحجموحدة
Kylt® Purifier 48 Kylt® RNA / DNA Purification HTP Kylt® Purifier Spin Tips Kylt® Purifier Plates